Monday, 24 November 2014

23rd November 2014

 The Fifth sign. The man born blind John 9:1-41
Geoff looks at the significance of this healing in the light of John’s unfolding explanation and argument that Jesus is indeed the Messiah. This is part of our series of “Jesus and the prophets. “ It is both an incident that provides revelation, but also of judgment, as the scenes play out with the actors involved.

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Saturday, 22 November 2014

16 November 2014.

 Worship God because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.Revelation 19: 9, 10.
In this final talk from Revelation Jane Thorington-Hassell sought to understand this statement about the nature of prophecy. She suggested that the meaning is expansive and also definitive. The co-operative nature of prophecy is the Holy Spirit at work with men and women born again of the Spirit. THE Holy Spirit will always bear witness to Jesus. This statement explains what is going on continuously in OT prophecy, and John the Baptist, and Jesus himself, and the prophets of the church past and present. Also the Spirit continues to bear witness to Jesus both in the local church worship and also in the world. We can all as true sons and daughters of God prophesy and should desire to do so as we bear witness to Jesus.  Prophecy builds up the church but also witnesses to Jesus in the world. JTH

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Thursday, 13 November 2014

9th November 2014.

Revelation 22: 6 – 21. Jesus is coming: wash your robes clean vv 14, 15.
In this Communion talk we remember what Jesus has done – until he comes. Again the focus on how we live until he comes. We are to get ready for the wedding by washing our robes; a metaphor for righteous living – thoughts and actions that are pleasing to God. Blessing: those who do this will be happy according to the words of this prophesy. Consistency is a problem for most of us who follow Jesus. Those who do the Scripture tells us will eat of the tree of life and also enter the city. We are not told where the others are but rather where they are not and what they don’t enjoy. They are simply not there. John lists 7 groups of people who will be excluded because of their choices and actions. (7 number of completion). There are “no dogs” in the city (this has nothing to do with Collies and Labradors). Listen and discover the grace (v21) that everyone needs.
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2nd November 2014.

Revelation 22: 6- 21 – Jesus is coming.
How do we therefore live? Creation teaching runs from Genesis through to Revelation and beyond. How do we use the time we have until he comes? Today’s learning included break out groups within the talk and feedback about how we use the time. Timing: what does “soon” mean as Jesus says 3 times that he is coming back. (Meaning of parousia). Peter says, There is no difference in the Lord’s sight between a day and a 1,000 years (2 P3:8). These verses state 7 things of importance for us until he comes. (7 again number of completion). Finally 2 signposts point to the return of the Lord Jesus: the collapsed Temple and also the sun and the moon. Listen to discover why.
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26th October 2014.

Walking on water. The fifth sign: John 6:16-21.
The fifth of seven signs has at its heart terror and revelation and follows hard on the heels of the fourth sign pointing to Jesus as the Son of God so “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah the Son of God and that through your faith in him you may have life”(John 20:31) asking and answering the question who is Jesus? Geoff as the speaker explores the attitude of the crowd and compares this to the disciples as they become increasingly convinced of who Jesus is as “ the Christ of God “, the “Holy One of God “ which becomes the settled basis of commitment to follow after whatever the consequences that play out because they are convinced increasingly just who Jesus really is.
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19th October 2014.

Revelation 22: 1-6. River of the Water of Life in the new Jerusalem and the new heaven and earth.
Vision of a future city with no temple – a strange idea for Jews. V5 Now I am making all things new! The gates of the city stand open and it is set within a new heaven and earth. The doctrine of creation runs throughout the Bible and is not limited to 6 days or even eras. Genesis to Revelation : creation to new creation. The most significant parallel to Revelation 22 the last chapter of the Bible is the first chapters of Genesis. The miraculous river flows throughout Scripture and is prophesied by Joel, Ezekiel and Zechariah. Jesus himself spoke of the waters of eternal life and of the river of the Holy Spirit that he would release. Human need of fresh, clean water for life. The tree of life spans both sides of the river and bears fruit and leaves for the healing of the nations.
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12th October 2014.

Revelation 21 – new heaven and new earth, new Jerusalem.
The speaker again asked us throughout to consider what we can learn from the insights of the revelation. Also she stressed that “each vision is to be interpreted in the light of the rest of scripture”, Michael Wilcox. The promise of a “new Jerusalem” around AD90 just about 20 years after the destruction of Jerusalem would have been very significant to the churches. We refreshed our minds about the biblical metaphors of city and bride and talked about a city with no buildings. The city represents God’s people and God dwelling with his people. So what? How do we then live? We have no permanent city here on earth but God calls us to be co-builders now of a city whose builder and maker is God. Abraham also looked for such a city.
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5th October 2014.

Revelation 20. Millennium – evil and final judgement.
We asked how Christians view the 1,000 years and Satan being bound for 1,000 years. Is the millennium symbolic or literal? Some Christians await a “golden age”. The speaker examined Amillenialism – the view that the rule of Christ is current and that evil is being restrained. We briefly made reference to 2 Thessalonians 2 – the man of lawlessness and the OT prophet Ezekiel 35 – 48. The speaker argued that the perspective of Revelation gives us a larger perspective.
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Monday, 29 September 2014

28th September 2014.

Within the theme of the year “ Jesus and the prophets,” Geoff continues his occasional series looking at the seven prophetic signs in the Gospel of John. This time it is the feeding of the multitude in John 6;1-15 entitled” Food for thought.” The talk looks at the power and intricate nature of food and identity and memory but also the limitations of wanting God simply to meet needs while refusing to engage with what it is that God has actually done on his terms (not ours) and our willingness to embrace that.

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Monday, 22 September 2014

21st September 2014.

Revelation 19. Hallelujah – do not worship angels or any created being.
We again asked the questions: why did God call John to see this revelation of what must happen (4:1) and what should we do now that we too have seen it? We reiterated the great monotheistic tenant: Worship no god but me. I am the LORD your God and saw the worship that is given to Jesus especially here in Revelation. We spent a short time considering the “worship of angels” and also that worship should not be given to the prophets, the saints or powerful human beings e.g. emperors. This chapter deals with the destruction of the beast and the false prophet. We also spoke of the annihilation of the followers of the beast at the spoken word of Jesus. We wrestled with the “Bonhoeffer dilemma” of whether to take up physical arms against evil powers in the earth. We recognized the spiritual and moral importance of being clothed in “righteous acts” and using our praises of God for his just and true actions. Five times the heavenly beings are heard to declare “praise God” and give the reason the he has brought Salvation to the earth..
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Monday, 15 September 2014

14th September 2014.

Revelation 17 &18. Babylon, the beast and the prostitute.
We also asked the questions: why did God call John to see this revelation of what must happen (4:1) and what should we do now that we too have seen it? We considered the nature of who and what was “Babylon” in AD 90-95 when the Revelation to John was circulated to the churches in the region. “Babylon” a metaphor and code for Roman and the power of its empire. We looked at the components of “Babylon” and asked what is “Babylon” in today’s world and how do we respond to the call of God to Come out my people”. We raised the missiological question of listening and discussing with others about what is happening in today’s world and calling for a response.
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Monday, 8 September 2014

7th September 2014.

Revelation 16. The anger of God and his judgment. This theme requires us to ask why God is angry and what he does with this anger. The request at the beginning of this talk by Jane Thorington-Hassell was that we put on our seat belts as we were about to start a spiritual, mental and emotional roller coaster. Why doesn’t God do something about evil in the world? Jane suggested that God had done something and also will do something. As well as expecting a Final judgement she also argued that we are currently experiencing the consequences of our actions and that the judgement of God is woven into our daily lives. We also asked the question: why did God call John to see this revelation of what must happen (4:1) and what should we do now that we too have seen it?
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Thursday, 4 September 2014

24th August 2014.

Revelation 12: 7 – 12 and 1 John 1: 5-10. Overcoming evil. In part 2 of this theme Jane Thorington-Hassell reiterates the reality of Evil in the world and also the part it plays in our lives. The aim of the talk is a practical one of personally overcoming evil and particularly through the supporting of one another in the Christian community by giving testimony, telling the stories of what God has done and so encouraging one another to a more selfless way of living. The speaker suggests that contemporary society is increasingly self-absorbed which is simply playing into the hands of a greater evil.
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 Revelation 12: 7 -12. Overcoming evil. Understanding Revelation should inform and modify the way we look at and live in the world according to Jane Thorington-Hassell. It enables us to face both the reality of evil and our part in overcoming it. The writer John argues that there are 3 components to overcoming. The writer uses Christian shorthand which is unpacked in this talk. (This is just part 1 of an ongoing theme).

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Monday, 21 July 2014

20th July 2014.

Geoff is our speaker today speaking from John 5:1-18 and looking at the third of seven signs record in John as part of the “Jesus and the prophets” series. Entitled “Tipping point” he looks at the switch from hesitation to outright opposition and persecution of Jesus and why that was. He ends with some questions to ponder:
(i) What are the basis of our belief that gives us the courage to be different?
(ii) Jesus did not apparently discriminate between the deserving and the undeserving. Should we do the same?
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Saturday, 19 July 2014

13th July 2014 

Revelation 14:14 – 15:8. The Harvest at the end of the world and preparing the plagues.
Seeing the Revelation should enable us to look at the earth in a very different light. Julia Ward Howe’s amazingly awful prophetic hymn My eyes have seen the light of the coming of the Lord, he is trampling… is based on this passage. John, like her, sees the harvesting at the end of the world and the plagues of judgement – like the ancient plagues of Egypt. Two angels are seen: one uses a sickle for the “general harvest” and another who uses a sickle to harvest the symbolic grapes which are thrown into God’s winepress. Jane sought to show that Jesus our substitute, who took Gods wrath instead of us, endured the press of Gethsemane and was crucified outside the city wall for us. As the plagues are prepared an amazing choir is heard to sing The Song of Moses and the Lamb which declares that God acts justly and so is to be honoured.

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6th July 2014.

Revelation 14: 1- 13. The Lamb and God’s people (+ Judgement).
The prevailing threat of John’s day was the Roman Empire and the challenge to God’s people is to be faithful and to endure. Another refreshing interlude with a vision of the Lamb is seen – this time standing on Mount Zion – Jesus in final triumph. (Reminiscent of the prophetic Psalm 2: 6) An amazing voice is heard from heaven. From the throne come 3 messengers of Grace, Doom and Warning. Judgement is a necessary part of the Gospel – the Good News. The “wine of God’s fury” is spoken of. An outcome for those who have identified with the Beast of Babylon. But the Voice affirms: blessed are those who die in the service of the Lord.

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29th June 2014

Revelation 12 and 13. The woman, the child and the red dragon:
This is not a children’s story but a revelation to God’s children. John sees “signs” in the sky; the ages long battle between the Serpent and the children born of woman is seen. The woman is seen to represent Israel labouring to give birth to the Messiah and later in the chapter the woman represents the Church – tortured and labouring for its faith. The Dragon and its 3 allies are introduced. The warfare of heaven spills over into the earth. Endurance and faith is called for from God’s people in every generation. The famous 666 mark of the beast – a Hebrew cryptogram for “Nero Caesar”. Get the interpretation right or be deceived by every latter day self styled prophet or preacher.
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Revelation 11: 1-14. The 2 witnesses and 15 – 19 the last trumpet.

The first part of this chapter is particularly difficult to interpret. The Lamb is still central to the vision: he alone is worthy to release future history. John’s task is to measure the symbolic temple and altar. The 2 witnesses representing Moses and Elijah appear. The beast appears and the 2 witnesses are slaughtered. The prophetic witnesses of God are often slain but here we consider the important role of the church to be prophetic even if martyred. Why does the Christian church if faithful call down persecution? We move in this talk towards the time when the time will come to destroy those who destroy the earth.

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Tuesday, 17 June 2014

15th June 2014.

The reading is from John 4:43 - 54 looking at the second of the seven signs recorded in the Gospel of John as part of a series within Jesus and the prophets with Geoff as the speaker. He asks the question "who are you listening to" and considers the meaning and importance of this incident in Cana in Galilee.

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Tuesday, 10 June 2014

8th June 2014.

Jane Thorington-Hassell spoke from Revelation 10 on The mighty angel and little book. The talk included a small group break out discussion as to the identity of this amazing figure who came from heaven to earth and placed one foot on the land and one foot on the sea. He held authority to speak and so “create a new reality”. The idea of God’s “secret plan” was suggested and the urgency to speak God’s message to many nations, races, languages and kings.

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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

1st June 2014.

Revelation 8 and 9. Jane Thorington-Hassell spoke about “30 minutes silence in heaven” when even the praises of the Lamb Jesus stopped while the prayers of God’s people were listened to. As judgement was considered as a consequence not just of human actions but also the result of human prayers so too the mercy of God in restraining the consequences of human sin was stressed. The chapters end with the statements that humanity is not willing to change from idolatry, greed, murder, magical arts and all sorts of sexual immorality that are destructive of human nature and displeasing to God. These very intense and awesome revelations about the true nature of human history and a suffering planet reveal not just human need but the honesty of God to show things as they really are and consequently what will be. Throughout all the Lamb of God is revealed as the One “who takes away the sin of the World”.

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25th May 2014

 Jane Thorington-Hassell seeks to unlock the meaning of Revelation 6 through to chapter 8 verse 1. Only the Lamb, Jesus is found worthy to open the 7 seals of the scroll. Through the unlocking of the seals we see history from several angels rather than in a chronological or sequential way. In vivid symbolic pictures God sheds light on the interconnectedness of the earth and the heavens. God’s people (marked out by a God given “seal” on their foreheads) are without number. God is seen as restraining the consequences of evil actions and not just punishing them. 
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Wednesday, 21 May 2014

18th May 2014.

Continuing the theme of Jesus and the prophets, Geoff’s talk looks at the Gospel of John and the first prophetic sign of seven recorded in his book from John 2:1-11 and the incident of the wedding at Cana in Galilee . “Behold I make all things new!”
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Monday, 19 May 2014

11th May 2014

Jane TH spoke from Revelation 5, continuing the series  "2014 Jesus and the prophets". The theme was the meaning and significance of The Lamb on the throne. The joint symbols of throne and lamb speak of power in very different terms to the world understanding of power. 

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 13th April 2014

Palm Sunday and going up to Jerusalem. The talk looks at the 4 perspectives on the triumphal entry and the cleansing of the Temple. Jesus did not ferment a riot (Matthew 12: 18 – 21) but he did call people to follow him and he showed what it meant to seek first God’s Kingdom (Matt 6: 33): There is a time for quiet persistent ministry and preaching but also a time to challenge the powerful and raise the hopes of the powerless. The Kingdom of God is often at odds with this world’s ways of doing things. Jesus was not a physical warrior – leading people out on a war horse -but he had tremendous courage nevertheless. Crowds can be fickle – one minute shouting in Jesus’ favour and then afraid to follow him. 

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Tuesday, 8 April 2014

The Spirit of Jesus brings a message to the church at Philadelphia.
Before going out of the church building in groups to pray and distribute leaflets locally we remembered that just as Jesus moved around the cities that surrounded the churches so Jesus is walking our streets and workplaces. It seems the church at Philadelphia had endured difficulties and Jesus told them of his love for them. Jesus warned them that further trials were coming upon the whole earth (no time frame is given for these trials).

The church was not an influential one but it was strategically placed  as “a gateway to the East”. Jesus goes on to explain that he holds “David’s key”(Isaiah 22:22)  – the authority to open doors and close doors which no one had the power to reverse. We discussed what this might mean and also what Jesus meant when he said he had set before them an “open door”. John in his Gospel had recorded Jesus as saying he is the DOOR and here in the Revelation is a reference to Jesus opening up the doorway for the disciples to experience more of the promised “messianic glory”. Listen to the talk to explore what this might mean to them but also us now

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Monday, 31 March 2014

30th March 2014

Jesus and the prophets. Today’s reading Revelation3: 1-6.

The Spirit of Jesus brings a message to the church at Sardis.
Before going out of the church building in groups to pray for the people of our community and our outreach we looked at God’s Word together. We remembered that just as Jesus moved around the cities that surrounded the churches so Jesus is walking our streets and workplaces. It seems the church at Sardis has taken on the complacency of the wealthy City of Sardis and Jesus says that the church has the reputation of being alive but really it’s dead. Situated at the junction of 5 roads & therefore successful in trade it is apparently impregnable to enemies. Nevertheless they failed to post guards and twice the city was captured: by Cyrus the Persian in 549BC and by Antiochus in 218BC. Jesus tells the church that they need to become watchful or he himself will creep up on them like a thief. He says that there are some in the church who have not soiled their white robes and they will walk with him.  An amazing privilege of friendship with God. Jesus calls the others to recall what they learnt before and change their ways and he promises that if they do they also will wear white robes and not forfeit their names being in the Book of Life. We explored the symbolism of these white robes and what it means to be “justified” and walk with Jesus now. Then we walked out of the building to pray for our community.
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23rd March 2014 

 Jesus and the prophets: today’s reading Revelation 2: 18-29.

The Spirit of Jesus brings a message to the Thyatira church.

Thyatira and the church there are known to Jesus and he moves both in and around the city and the church. The city is small does this mean that the church is small?  Ford fiesta types of church through to  Mercedes style types of churches?  A city of trade and commerce & many trade guilds. The challenges faced by the church were how to behave in the work place, in the guilds. There was a division in the church on behaviour lines and  there were the “rest” and the “others”.  Once again the issue of what diversity can be celebrated and what cannot be tolerated rears its head. The issues that Jesus raises which call for repentance (change of mind, heart and action) are grouped around sexual immorality and also idolatry. What does this mean for us a church situated in London and rich in diversity but also an “anything goes” mentality? How do we read our Bibles? 

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Monday, 24 March 2014

 16th March 2014

The reading is from Revelation 2: 12- 17 continuing with the “ Spirit of Jesus” and looking at the message to the church at Pergamum. The city was significant because of its great library and also it’s close relationship with Rome. People came from all over the world seeking healing – from the godAsclepius. There were temples to Zeus, Dionysus, Athene, and it was also a centre for Caesar worship. Pergamum was a dark and difficult place to live as God’s people and to shine out in witness.

 He tells them v14 that they are tolerating false teaching (probably from some within the church). The talk raises the question with regard to diversity “. What can be tolerated within the membership of the churches and what must not be tolerated? “Or rather "what diversity will Jesus celebrate and encourage and what won’t he tolerate?" Together we therefore have to rely on learning from God in how to read our Bibles and to see what God says.
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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

 9th March 2014

 Continuing with Jesus and the prophets and the readings from Revelation to the churches this time Rev 2: 8 - what  the message of the Spirit of Jesus brings to Smyrna. The talk draws a pen portrait of what was Smyrna like. God knows what is going on in the churches and follows a now familiar pattern from greetings to promises.   Prophecy draws back a curtain on a seen and unseen world. The question is raised what would your response be if you were warned in advance of a time of testing? E.g. here or as with Agabus? Acts 21:10.11. How do we prepare these times of testing?

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Tuesday, 4 March 2014

2nd March 2014 

The reading is from Revelation 2:1-7 and looks at the Spirit speaking to the church at Ephesus, making the point that God knows what is going on in the churches and brings greetings, insight, praise, criticism, warring and exhortation as well as promises to over comers. The talk looks at the temporal and spiritual significance of Ephesus and the danger they were under of Jesus personally coming for ”  the removal of their lamp stand “ and looks at what that might mean, but it ends with looking at the points in their favour and to what the promises of “ they will eat of the Tree of Life in garden of God “ could  mean as a promise to overcoming.

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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

 23rd February 2014

 “Jesus and the prophets” continues in Revelation 1: 9-20 with John’s vision of Christ and examining the nature of prophecy building on themes from last week through the filter of the letters to the seven churches, of how Jesus chose to reveal himself to John and the significances of it particularly in deeply listening and hearing his voice. 

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 16th February 2014

 Continuing with “Jesus and the prophets”  the reading is from. Revelation 1: 1 - 8 and looks at the form of apocalyptic writing in the New Testament in Revelation (uncovering.) OT prophets were a wide range of types and personalities rather like a quilted counterpane with great variety but with many repeated themes. While on the whole OT prophets were generally more predictive in scope .there are eschatological prophets both in OT and NT detailing about the end times/ final things. The NT Apocalypse or Revelation is highly symbolic and John is clearly in this prophetic tradition: The talk highlights the points that the truth that Jesus reveals inspires the prophets and that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy - who also remains the key to unlocking the true meaning and application. What did prophesy mean in NT church? The talk reflects on what relevance prophesying had to the church then and to us now, today, and the various views on the place of prophesy by modern commentators. 

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Monday, 10 February 2014

9th February 2014

 The reading is from 2 Peter 1:16-2:3 entitled “Spirit and sail- catching the wind?” After a brief introduction to the book the talk looks at Peter’s explanation of the nature of prophecy, the place of the Holy Spirit in interpreting prophecy and the hall mark signs around false prophets and teachers. The talk ends with utilizing the means God gives us to protect us from and avoid such teachers.

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Saturday, 8 February 2014

2nd February 2014 

 The reading is from Acts 2: 14 – 22 esp. verses 17 & 18. “Your sons and your daughters will prophesy. “The talk argues the point that this outpouring of the Spirit is not limited to a short period or dispensation after the resurrection and ascension. It is for the next generation of “sons and daughters” and Peter emphasizes that when he says: “this promise is for your children and your children children.” The church – each of us individually and as community- needs the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in and upon all of our lives. We are to go on being filled with the Spirit and expectant that this will result in the church being built in many and varied ways – including through the gift of prophecy.

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Sunday, 2 February 2014

26th January 2014

  The bible readings are a selection from 1 Corinthians chapters 12 -14 looking at prophecy in the local church as part of “Jesus and the prophets.” The talk is quite detailed and referring to the download notes would help (see link below). The talk lays out some of the context in which prophecy is communicated in church life, including Paul’s teaching on how this is done in good order. Then the talk turns to asking the question what prophecy in the church is and concludes as to what it means in practice. 

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Thursday, 23 January 2014

January 19th 2014 

 This talk title is “ Prophecy and the Rubicon?. “ The reading is from John 1: 15, 19-34 and. profiles the ministry of John the Baptist in preparing the arrival of Messiah. He died a martyr (29 AD) for the stand he took in preaching against the sin of Herod Antipas who illegally and immorally took his brothers wife as his mistress. John’s ministry crossed a Rubicon. There is no going back to the OT times – God’s people have moved on. John was not of the Old order but he ushered in the New – which is Jesus  who brings in the Kingdom of God. New wine skins for new wine– which marks a new age for God’s Prophets too.

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Saturday, 18 January 2014

12th January 2014 .

 Jane continues with the theme of Jesus and the prophets and looks at “ the  prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee .“( Luke 4:14-24)  Where Jesus did not go down well and was a controversial figure with his unpalatable truths and his revolutionary claims.

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Saturday, 11 January 2014

5th January 2014  

With a new year we begin a new theme moving from “ Simply Gospel “ to “ Jesus and the prophets. “We begin with the magi traveling to see Jesus – King of the Jews. The reading is from Matthew 2: 1 – 12. The journey and visit of the magi is always a bit controversial because they are from what Jews and Christians would consider a pagan background. What’s fascinating for us to see within the pages of our New Testament is that God found a way to draw even the magi/ astrologers from Iran – to come and worship/ adore at the feet of Jesus. Do we understand the biblical view of the seen and unseen world, and are we able to discern what God is saying through his Holy Spirit as we listen to them and speak with them? Do we know our Bibles including the Prophetic Literature of the Old and New Testaments – and do we know God well enough not to be hood winked by false prophecies and prophets? Do we understand the role of prophecy in the Church since the coming of Christ or are we confused? Questions to think about and ponder.

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Sunday, 5 January 2014

 29th December 2013 

 Jesus the last word. The reading is from Hebrews 1;1-3 and John 1:1-14. The talk looks at Jesus as the beginning and the end as the creator and the sustainer of the universe and answers the question as God is Spirit, how do we see? That the incarnation enables us to see and understand that Jesus is the still small voice of God , he has made him known

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 25th December 2013 Christmas Day

 The reading is from Isaiah 11:1-5 and looks at what is the true spirit of Christmas in all of our celebrations of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Reflected in the way the Spirit of the LORD is the spirit of wisdom and understanding, counsel and knowledge, the spirit of power and the fear of the LORD, establishing  a peaceful Kingdom. That Jesus would know how to rule because of the Spirit of the Lord is resting on him and in  Luke 4: 16 – 21 describes him claiming that he fulfilled the prophecy: “The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is on me!.” This Spirit was bringing in good news for the poor, liberty for captives and sight for the blind and setting free the oppressed. This is the Spirit of the LORD on Jesus that we celebrate this Christmas if we celebrate the true Spirit of Christmas.
Furthermore the Spirit of the Lord, the “Spirit of Christmas” can be seen each day: in the fruits of the Spirit that are outworked in our shared lives in acts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control.

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22nd December 2013 Carols by Candlelight

 The reading is from Luke 2: 1 – 7. After showing a YouTube clip from St Pauls church New Zealand called ” An unexpected Christmas”  the talk underlines that God’s plan is in many ways unexpected– it is awesome and unique. The teaching of Jesus as recorded and unpacked in Holy Scriptures tells of God taking on flesh and blood and living among us, suffering instead of us and delivering us from the power of evil. They won’t be expecting that. Indeed the world was not expecting what God did in Jesus Christ.

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 22nd December 2013 All Age 

An All Age service this morning largely taken up with a marionette nativity show but preceded with a short talk. The reading is from Luke 2:4 – 15 as the E in the advent mnemonic COME for “Evangel “– Good News. Everyone gets an invitation to consider and “see” Jesus born in Bethlehem and laid in a manger, his way of life working , preaching and teaching, healing, dying and being buried, but now risen from death, alive and resplendent - and coming again. 

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