Saturday, 19 July 2014

29th June 2014

Revelation 12 and 13. The woman, the child and the red dragon:
This is not a children’s story but a revelation to God’s children. John sees “signs” in the sky; the ages long battle between the Serpent and the children born of woman is seen. The woman is seen to represent Israel labouring to give birth to the Messiah and later in the chapter the woman represents the Church – tortured and labouring for its faith. The Dragon and its 3 allies are introduced. The warfare of heaven spills over into the earth. Endurance and faith is called for from God’s people in every generation. The famous 666 mark of the beast – a Hebrew cryptogram for “Nero Caesar”. Get the interpretation right or be deceived by every latter day self styled prophet or preacher.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

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