Monday, 8 September 2014

7th September 2014.

Revelation 16. The anger of God and his judgment. This theme requires us to ask why God is angry and what he does with this anger. The request at the beginning of this talk by Jane Thorington-Hassell was that we put on our seat belts as we were about to start a spiritual, mental and emotional roller coaster. Why doesn’t God do something about evil in the world? Jane suggested that God had done something and also will do something. As well as expecting a Final judgement she also argued that we are currently experiencing the consequences of our actions and that the judgement of God is woven into our daily lives. We also asked the question: why did God call John to see this revelation of what must happen (4:1) and what should we do now that we too have seen it?
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

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