Thursday, 13 November 2014

2nd November 2014.

Revelation 22: 6- 21 – Jesus is coming.
How do we therefore live? Creation teaching runs from Genesis through to Revelation and beyond. How do we use the time we have until he comes? Today’s learning included break out groups within the talk and feedback about how we use the time. Timing: what does “soon” mean as Jesus says 3 times that he is coming back. (Meaning of parousia). Peter says, There is no difference in the Lord’s sight between a day and a 1,000 years (2 P3:8). These verses state 7 things of importance for us until he comes. (7 again number of completion). Finally 2 signposts point to the return of the Lord Jesus: the collapsed Temple and also the sun and the moon. Listen to discover why.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

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