Thursday, 13 November 2014

19th October 2014.

Revelation 22: 1-6. River of the Water of Life in the new Jerusalem and the new heaven and earth.
Vision of a future city with no temple – a strange idea for Jews. V5 Now I am making all things new! The gates of the city stand open and it is set within a new heaven and earth. The doctrine of creation runs throughout the Bible and is not limited to 6 days or even eras. Genesis to Revelation : creation to new creation. The most significant parallel to Revelation 22 the last chapter of the Bible is the first chapters of Genesis. The miraculous river flows throughout Scripture and is prophesied by Joel, Ezekiel and Zechariah. Jesus himself spoke of the waters of eternal life and of the river of the Holy Spirit that he would release. Human need of fresh, clean water for life. The tree of life spans both sides of the river and bears fruit and leaves for the healing of the nations.
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