Thursday, 24 April 2014

 13th April 2014

Palm Sunday and going up to Jerusalem. The talk looks at the 4 perspectives on the triumphal entry and the cleansing of the Temple. Jesus did not ferment a riot (Matthew 12: 18 – 21) but he did call people to follow him and he showed what it meant to seek first God’s Kingdom (Matt 6: 33): There is a time for quiet persistent ministry and preaching but also a time to challenge the powerful and raise the hopes of the powerless. The Kingdom of God is often at odds with this world’s ways of doing things. Jesus was not a physical warrior – leading people out on a war horse -but he had tremendous courage nevertheless. Crowds can be fickle – one minute shouting in Jesus’ favour and then afraid to follow him. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website 

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