Thursday, 23 January 2014

January 19th 2014 

 This talk title is “ Prophecy and the Rubicon?. “ The reading is from John 1: 15, 19-34 and. profiles the ministry of John the Baptist in preparing the arrival of Messiah. He died a martyr (29 AD) for the stand he took in preaching against the sin of Herod Antipas who illegally and immorally took his brothers wife as his mistress. John’s ministry crossed a Rubicon. There is no going back to the OT times – God’s people have moved on. John was not of the Old order but he ushered in the New – which is Jesus  who brings in the Kingdom of God. New wine skins for new wine– which marks a new age for God’s Prophets too.

 Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website .

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