Thursday 4 February 2016

17th January 2016

Pilgrims on the journey. Genesis 11: 31 – 12: 9. The call to journey. The journey back to finding home with God. God calls the legendary Abram and Sarai out of their country and family to seek a land that he would show and to make of them a new pilgrim people. How fare did Abram travel physically and theologically in his understanding of God and himself? The call was from a life dominated by idol worship – moon gods to a discovery of calling upon the name of the LORD. It is a story of leaving behind all that Abram knew and is accustomed to. It is a story of disentangling himself from all that bound him. The call to forsake all at the call of God and move in obedience to a place of God’s choosing is paralleled in the Gospel accounts of Jesus. 
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