Thursday 13 November 2014

9th November 2014.

Revelation 22: 6 – 21. Jesus is coming: wash your robes clean vv 14, 15.
In this Communion talk we remember what Jesus has done – until he comes. Again the focus on how we live until he comes. We are to get ready for the wedding by washing our robes; a metaphor for righteous living – thoughts and actions that are pleasing to God. Blessing: those who do this will be happy according to the words of this prophesy. Consistency is a problem for most of us who follow Jesus. Those who do the Scripture tells us will eat of the tree of life and also enter the city. We are not told where the others are but rather where they are not and what they don’t enjoy. They are simply not there. John lists 7 groups of people who will be excluded because of their choices and actions. (7 number of completion). There are “no dogs” in the city (this has nothing to do with Collies and Labradors). Listen and discover the grace (v21) that everyone needs.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

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