Monday 22 September 2014

21st September 2014.

Revelation 19. Hallelujah – do not worship angels or any created being.
We again asked the questions: why did God call John to see this revelation of what must happen (4:1) and what should we do now that we too have seen it? We reiterated the great monotheistic tenant: Worship no god but me. I am the LORD your God and saw the worship that is given to Jesus especially here in Revelation. We spent a short time considering the “worship of angels” and also that worship should not be given to the prophets, the saints or powerful human beings e.g. emperors. This chapter deals with the destruction of the beast and the false prophet. We also spoke of the annihilation of the followers of the beast at the spoken word of Jesus. We wrestled with the “Bonhoeffer dilemma” of whether to take up physical arms against evil powers in the earth. We recognized the spiritual and moral importance of being clothed in “righteous acts” and using our praises of God for his just and true actions. Five times the heavenly beings are heard to declare “praise God” and give the reason the he has brought Salvation to the earth..
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website .

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