Tuesday, 9 February 2016

7th February 2016

Pilgrims on the journey. Genesis 16: Hagar and Ishmael Family matters - an unhappy story of human will versus God’s will. The talk by Geoff unpicks some of the implications and consequences of this unfolding story of Hagar and Ishmael. It looks at the part that God’s mercy had to play over the mistakes of Abram and Sarai. Their attempts at completing God’s will by their own intuition and cunning that had bitter fruit., then and now. God overrules where we have gone wrong. His kind intervention and blessing extends over our errors of judgement and wilful mistakes. Yet beyond this in Jesus we are not doomed to remake the mistakes of the past which we have learned and been shaped by but are destined to a better future based on freedom and hope in God’s promises and friendship.
Notes will usually be available in the downloads section of the VPBC website

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