Tuesday, 29 January 2013

 27th January 2013

 Jane spoke to Matthew 2:1-12 and from the experience of John the Baptist speaking from the margins and asked whether we marginalise Jesus or is he at the centre. Is there a tendency to domesticate the gospel? In the culture and context of John the gospel was uncomfortable and challenging but also deeply attractive. We need to consider what in our own culture and context how we are wrapping, packaging and embodying the gospel. As Jesus embodies the gospel do we truly reflect this in our Christian community?


Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website.

Monday, 21 January 2013

20th January 2013

20th January 2013

Jane spoke from Galatians 1:6-10 and the need to look at character as well as belief in lives shaped by the Gospel and the distortions that can creep into faith. The Gospel remains a gospel of grace and we need to hold and retain a firm grip on New Testament truth.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

13th January 2013

 Continuing in Luke 2:10-11 the content (v11) of the Gospel is important but so too is what it means to be a Gospel People. What is the character of people who truly follow Jesus and what are the characteristics of the community of Gospel people.The church community is the hermeneutic of the Gospel (Newbigen) – people are meant to be able to see the power of change that the Gospel brings in people’s lives and be convinced of its truth –To look at the church as a gospel people and where the gospel is not just intellectual belief but changed behaviour where “ Christian belief and ethics are shaped by the narrative of Jesus “( A.E McGrath).

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website  .


6th January 2013

 Speaking from Luke 2:10.11 Jane outlines the theme for this year as “ Simply Gospel.” The aim will be that we will be able to explore and learn the contents of the Gospel as expressed in the Bible and also learn things from the lessons of history as to some of the errors and heresies that creep into the church so that we don’t make the same mistakes again. In a world of increasing complexity in terms of knowledge, behaviour
patterns and lifestyles we have perhaps left behind the ingredients and essentials that are needed to build lives of simplicity and strength.

Coupled to this is confusion that has resulted and many people seem to have no route map through life’s events. As well as this that we will be able to plan and devise ways that others can encounter the Gospel message. As followers of Jesus we need to be able to simply share a Gospel message
with content and power.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website