Tuesday, 11 December 2012

 9th December 2012.

Jane continued in the theme of waiting by looking at the life and example of Simeon recorded briefly in Luke 2:22-35. The long wait for the Messiah was now fulfilled and he could leave this life in peace but that the nature of Jesus was not a local hero but as a global Messiah. A stone to trip some up and raise others . The Biblical associations with the idea of “stone”. Jane linked and drew to an incident in Genesis 31:44-49 between Jacob and Laban who sealed their agreement with a covenant meal after building a cairn of stones as a monument and named the site Mizpah (may the Lord watch between you and me till we meet again). This was used as a lead into communion in us sitting round the “Stone” and eating a covenant meal and watching and actively waiting for the Second Advent. We must wait for the Kingdom to fully come in the return of Jesus Christ. And we must wait to see again those who have died and from whom we are separated.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

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