Monday, 17 December 2012

16th December 2012.

The third in the Advent series on waiting Jane looks at Luke 2:33-38 and the brief synopsis provided by Luke of Anna the prophet. Jane spoke of the years in worship, prayer and fasting and the keeping of an active vigil looking to the coming of Jesus as the one to set people free , for God’s will to be done on earth. When praying blessing into people’s lives what are we praying for? Jane refers to what Jesus spoke of as a blessed life in the teaching on the Sermon on the Mount. The talk finishes with a call for us to reflect on our ability to wait and pray and witness with purpose through the years.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website .

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

 9th December 2012.

Jane continued in the theme of waiting by looking at the life and example of Simeon recorded briefly in Luke 2:22-35. The long wait for the Messiah was now fulfilled and he could leave this life in peace but that the nature of Jesus was not a local hero but as a global Messiah. A stone to trip some up and raise others . The Biblical associations with the idea of “stone”. Jane linked and drew to an incident in Genesis 31:44-49 between Jacob and Laban who sealed their agreement with a covenant meal after building a cairn of stones as a monument and named the site Mizpah (may the Lord watch between you and me till we meet again). This was used as a lead into communion in us sitting round the “Stone” and eating a covenant meal and watching and actively waiting for the Second Advent. We must wait for the Kingdom to fully come in the return of Jesus Christ. And we must wait to see again those who have died and from whom we are separated.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

Sunday, 2 December 2012

2nd December 2012.

Jane started with the Advent season with the theme of waiting. The reading was from Luke1:26-38. Mary waited. Jane looked at the stages of waiting and what Mary waited for in the course of her life. How good are we at waiting? How to find the balance from wishing your life away to enjoying the benefits of delayed gratification. But also how good are we in waiting for answers to prayers and prophecy - and looked at Micah 4:1-5 and the extraordinary promises related to Jesus. Can we learn to wait for God’s time and explore why the answer is not a poplar answer but that waiting in itself is important and the lessons we can learn from Romans 3:3-5.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

25th November 2012.

Jane spoke to Prayer & Spirituality: a spirituality of work. The reading is from Ephesians 2; 8 – 10. What is your attitude to work and how has this attitude been shaped? As we focus in on developing our relationship with God we need to have an understanding about work – task and time. This Jane suggests relates to you whether you are in paid work, or looking for paid work, or volunteering, or even “retired”. Some people view paid work as “real work”. Our identity is tied into work. Work is often viewed very negatively but work whether paid or voluntary can be viewed as service/worship. God works and so do we if we are human. Work can be seen as sacred – that is holy and for God – service or worship…for the praise of God and the benefit of not just myself but the world. Human work can reflect God’s work by being:
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website