Sunday, 1 July 2012

July 1st 2012.

Looking at Ezekiel 37:1-14, Psalm, 1; 1-3 and John 7:37-41 Jane looks at the intertwining of Word and Spirit on the second of this mini series on prayer and spirituality. The passage in Ezekiel is a prophecy of resurrection not just revival. The passages help us understand how prayer builds relationship with a triune God as body, mind, soul and spirit. So in Matthew 6:7-15 it forces us to ask the same request “Lord teach us how to pray.” That we learn from Jesus what it means to discover true prayer. We further uncover this as a community of prayer. Where in building the walls of prayer this comes together to form a house of prayer for all nations as a means of bringing about God’s will and purpose on earth.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

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