Wednesday, 26 August 2015

9th August 2015

 The talk from Geoff looks at the arguments over healings on the Sabbath that confronted Jesus and ingrained attitudes to the Sabbath. It then goes on to explore about finding rest in God and as we move from that rest to go out taking proper rest into a broken, hurting world. Jesus reached out to people who needed to know and experience the breaking in of God’s new creation and the delivering from old powers. To find the rest God promises. Sabbath rest isn’t just about time off to reflect, recuperate and restore but also actively taking that rest into a restless world.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website . 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

2nd August 2015

Matthew 22: 34-40; John 13: 34, 35. Loving the world? The puzzle of the new love commandment. Having preached this sermon Jane says she’d like to preach it over again but better. The congregation participated by splitting into small groups to ask why Jesus added a new commandment for his disciples. We considered the new model society that Jesus was forming: calling disciples to follow him and become brothers and sisters. Authentic followers love one another as Jesus loved us. He will build a church – a new community that will be able to breakthrough and rescue others from hell itself.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website

Saturday, 1 August 2015

26th July 2015 

Luke 9: 57 – 62. Loving the world: following Jesus forward. Jesus moves into the world to share the Father’s love. Jesus through the generations calls people to follow him into the world to show compassion: as was said last week we are called to be the heart, hands and lips of Jesus. Loving Jesus means we too will love the world with an ardent passion. The tendency is to begin to follow Jesus and then to stop. Hear again the voice of Jesus calling you by name to follow him. JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website 

19th July 2015                                                                                                                          

 Matthew 14: 13 -21. Loving the world: God’s hands extended. Pastor Kurt Erikson of “church without walls” spoke of Jesus who sees, feels and heals. Speaking from his years of experience he spoke of the need for God’s people to Hear God’s voice call us, Everyone of us to play our part and be Available to use our Resources and with Thanksgiving. This talk is well worth listening to. JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website