Wednesday, 29 July 2015

12th July 2015

 Luke 16 v 1-13. Loving the world: Becca is our speaker today in a talk entitled “The case of the "dishonest" manager.” A manager was unjustly accused , and due to be sacked. Jesus shows, how applying the principles of Gods kingdom can transform situations dominated by ambition and injustice into solutions that bring relief and healing. Applying God's wisdom to workplace problems brings practical love to our personal worlds. Using the resources at our disposal wisely is a skill we can learn from the secular world. RF

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website 

5th July 2015

Luke 10: 25 – 37. The Good Samaritan. Loving world: neighbour, touch, engagement, use of resources. Continuing from last week we consider what lessons we can learn from Jesus teaching. Jerusalem to Jericho is a notorious road. Who is my neighbour? The Samaritan’s first response to the beat up man was not to touch him but to feel pity and compassion. Many of us will be journeying this week and this summer. The touching place, the place of engagement must not be avoided. JTH.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website

28th June 2015 

Mark 1: 40 – 45. Continuing the theme of “Loving the World “ Geoff is our speaker today in a talk entitled the “power of touch” looking at the incident in Mark where Jesus reaches out, touches and heals the man with a “dreaded skin disease. “ Our cost of discipleship and service is the degree as to what we perceive to be of what God intends for the world and our commitment to it. The Father’s love brought Jesus full of grace and truth into our world who created touching places for the untouchable. We have been given the same job in his (not our) power. “Jesus was filled with pity and stretched out his hand and touched him.” GTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website 

21st June 2015

                                                                                                                                                           Luke 20: 19 – 26. Loving the world means giving Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what? There are many occasions where there seems to be a contradiction between loving and therefore obeying God and loving the world. The Pharisees knew Jesus spoke against them and so they sought to trap him. Here in the mouth of Jesus is a short summary, more it is a governing principle of the relationship of Christianity and secular worldly authority. What is Jesus saying here and what relevance does it have today?

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website 

14th June 2015

 Hosea and Luke 14: 25 – 35. Loving the world…faithfully. Continuing from last week …faithfulness in relationships can never be overrated. God’s faithfulness to the whole of creation is seen. Is the church faithful to God and the things Jesus taught? Do we value faithfulness? The qualities of “slow church” outreach and hospitality. The Covenant Meal in our community. The prophet Hosea and Gomer: God and his people. Faithfulness is a fruit of the Spirit in us. Are we encouraging and enabling this in discipleship? JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website