Wednesday, 29 April 2015

26th April 2015

Luke 18:1-.8 Loving the world. Praying for a change
The talk from Geoff is from the parable of the persistent widow and continues the theme of Jane’s talk given a few weeks ago around praying for justice, and the fact that this week has been the spring week of prayer. This has encouraged the adoption of new rhythms of prayer for a short while but also to act as an encouragement to strengthen the anticipation, experience and desire as a church community to be a people of prayer. In learning and discovering what that could mean and might look like in our lives as individuals, but also encouraging and developing one another to open up new horizons of prayer. GTH 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website 

19th April 2015 

Loving the world. Prayer
This topic was delivered and discussed in an informal cafe style church setting.
  1. What is prayer and why pray?  LD
  2. Does God always answer prayer?  GTH
  3. How and when do we pray?  JTH
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

12th April 2015

Acts 1: 1-9 Loving the world means praying for God’s Kingdom to come.

Revolutionary prayer which means allowing God to rule our lives, praying for others out of love, praying and expecting that lives will be changed. In doing this we too must expect to be challenged and changed. JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website

5th April 2015

Luke 24: 1-12 The Resurrection
Jesus our Saviour and High Priest has experienced all the peaks (fullness) and troughs (emptiness) that are common to humanity. The Easter story moves from the total separation of Jesus from the Father as he carries the sin of the world (Good Friday) to total victory as Jesus overcomes the power of sin and death (Easter Day), bringing life and hope to all who believe. JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

29th March 2015

Luke 19: 28-48. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Loving the world means feeling with the world, how did Jesus demonstrate this? What makes Jesus happy, sad, angry? JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website 

March 22nd 2015

Matthew 15: 21-28 “A woman’s Faith
Luke 19: 1-10 “A man’s changed life”
Loving the world means embracing the people of the world. Jesus our lead & director calls us to a relationship with the world that is distinctive and life changing. JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website 

Thursday, 23 April 2015

15th March 2015.

Luke 20:45 to Luke 21: 6. Loving the World means Loving Justice.
Loving the world means to love the world as God loves the world. He
looks for his people to exercise and enact justice for the wretched of the
earth. Those who through circumstance or deliberate injustice performed
against them by unjust systems and bureaucracies, or by people
oppressing and dominating them mean that they are powerless to help

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website

March 08 2015. 

James 1: 19 -27. According to James loving the world means obeying the law of the Kingdom.
What does it mean to love God? To do what pleases God & to walk closely with Him. Love of neighbour & obeying God’s commandment to love one another without prejudice or favouritism.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website

1st March 2015 

Matthew 5:43 - 48. What does loving the world mean? It means praying for the world. 
The talk examines the ways and motivations for intercessory prayer as we pray for the world- including our enemies and even those who persecute us. Unfortunately due to a technical problem a recording of the talk is unavailable. JTH

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website