Wednesday, 28 August 2013

25th August 2013  

“Judgement Day and the Jesus rest.” The talk is from Matthew11:2-30 where Jesus contrasts the towns of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum unfavourably with Tyre,Sidon and Sodom. What were the three towns so seriously guilty of? What do we do about indifference and unbelief to the things Jesus said and did? We have so much still to learn. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website . 

Monday, 19 August 2013

18th August 2013

 To what can we compare this generation? Jesus asked a very important question “ what’s going on in this generation?” The reading is from Matthew 11:16-19 and the talk looks at asking us to consider what is the context and spiritual climate of our generation just as Jesus made an assessment and discernment of his. How do we listen to the world to understand our context and to the Spirit of God to become effective agents of challenge and change? Our faithfulness and the wisdom of our service as a generation will be judged by its children and the works it produces. The parable of the invisible Weevil in the book by Mary Okrut is a novel that looks at Ugandan post-colonial history and is a reminder, however, to both church and society of the power of unseen forces hollowing out what appears fine on the outside but inside is corrupt and consuming. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

11th August 2013

The reading is from Mathew 11:1-19 and looks at Jesus shedding more light and meaning on his ministry and the nature of the Kingdom of God in the light of John the Baptist's uncertainty. The talk asks us to consider whether we are on target and the signs and some of the consequences of the Kingdom and the implications. These include the fact that Jesus will be considered by some as a stone to trip people up and clues as how to pray for the Kingdom and finding strength in service.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website. Last week was the Holiday Club presentation whch was not recorded but a few photos of the club events can be found here.