Sunday, 30 June 2013

30th June 2013

The reading is from Matthew 9; 18-26 and looks at the response of Jesus in the face of human desperation to reach out touch and look for healing and hope from the incident of the death of a child and someone at their wits end after 12 years of chronic illness. The reasons why they came to Jesus as an object of their faith may have been based more on superstition than faith, with mixed motives and that their theology about God’s nature may have been confused but that (as Jesus himself noted) the women had faith. The talk reminds us not to turn way from helping those that come however distorted their reasons. No one need be lost in a crowd with Jesus but is possible to jostle with Jesus in the crowd and be unchanged. Jesus has the power to touch and transform lives from whatever starting point people come as they reach out in faith.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

23rd June 2013

Jane spoke to Matthew 9:9-13 where Jesus in the parable of the doctor tells the Pharisees to go away and think again in their understanding of what God wants and his call to change. God does not want outward orthodoxy but kindness, mercy and love. A doctor will only come out to those who know they are broken and need fixing. The calling of Matthew illustrates the point.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

16th June 2013

Alec Alexander of E1 Community Church was the speaker this week looking at the incident where Jesus calms the storm in Matthew 8:23-27. Alec sketches in the place of the sea in the biblical narrative and imagination and how in the OT God shows his mastery over the elements in Exodus. In comparing the story of Jonah to Jesus Alec highlights the rightful authority Jesus has over the storm and yet the tenderness to come alongside and intervene with his peace. He is therefore someone in whom we can have both trust and faith.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

9th June 2013

Jane spoke to Matthew 8:1-4 looking at a trio of healings beginning with the man cleansed of leprosy. The talk teases out some of the meanings involved in atonement looking at the authority and power of Jesus not just to heal but also to cleanse and thereby institute inclusion.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 3 June 2013

2nd June 2013

The reading is from Matthew 7:v7-29 continuing to look at living with discernment and what Jesus taught about God’s nature verses human nature. We seek help from God to treat others as you want to be treated and the narrowness of the gate and the wideness of the road in falling short of that. To be wary of the way people seek power over others, to avoid being gullible and that trees are known by their fruits so we are to therefore judge people by the extent of their righteous acts.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.