Monday, 29 April 2013

28th April 2013 

The reading is from Matthew 6:1-6 and verses 16 to 18 and is entitled “Jesus: when you worship do not show off. The basis of authentic worship.” The talk looks at three elements common to most religions, alms giving, prayer and fasting as acts of worship and the need to do things not for applause or material reward. Jesus asks of his followers to have deep attitudes of hearts and mind that keep the integrity in what we seek to do in such acts worship. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

21st April 2013

The reading is from Matthew 5:1,2 and 43 -48 looking at Jesu’s teaching on love for enemy . These are difficult teachings about being perfect and fit for purpose in loving the way God loves as in Romans 5:10 where he showed his love to us while we were his enemies. This is to love like God rooted in action ahead of feelings. 
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

14th April 2013

 The reading is from Matthew 5: 1, 2, 38 - 42. Continuing with a Jesus centred Gospel this week looks at Justice, retaliation & generosity. The people of Jesus day (including his disciples) understood both how the legal system worked and how people functioned in everyday life. In ethics and law in a civilised society “the punishment should fit the crime but again Jesus teaches his disciples something more (but note he does not call for the removal of the Courts or the enforcement officers) if someone slaps you on the right cheek…this is more than a brake on retaliation but at what point do we stand up to an oppressor ? The difficult teachings on the place of justice and retaliation are then followed by equally challenging questions of generosity “ give to those who ask/and lead to those who ask to borrow .”
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

Saturday, 13 April 2013

7th April 2013

The talk this week is Jesus: promises oaths and vows from Matthew 5:v1,2 and 33-37. As part of the transformational nature of the gospel is a move to greater integrity, truth telling, simplicity and honesty in our speaking not just as individuals but also as community and church. To acknowledge and seek to break former habits of distortion and practices that mislead to build trust and reputation that we can be believed in what we say (if not always liked) as “ straight arrows.”
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

Saturday, 6 April 2013

31st March 2013

No recordings last week for Palm Sunday as it was a kinetic all age service which included  the talk as a quiz.This involved the whole church moving from their seats to deciding which label to stand under as to whether it was false or true and with short explanation’s sandwiched between questions.

This week is Easter Day and again a shortened talk on the cross and resurrection and the meaning of communion which was also celebrated following a puppet show using marionettes telling the Easter story. Photos  have been posted on the churches flicker account and more details are on Janes face book. The reading is from Matthew 26:26-30 and entitled reflections on the Cross and Tomb.


Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.