Monday, 25 February 2013

24th February 2013  

Jane continues in Matthew on the Sermon on the Mount 5:13-16 looking at Jesus’s teaching on salt and light and about our responsibility to the world around us that needs to be distinctive. Jane quotes from Bonheoffer and Stott to highlight that both as a community and as individual believers we become activists for Jesus. As radical and peaceful revolutionaries we will not always appreciated in the addressing those parts of a dark and decaying world.

Due to a technical problem part of the beginning of the talk is missing.  


Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website


Saturday, 23 February 2013

 17th February 2013

Jane spoke to the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5: 1 – 12. Rather than labelling these teachings just as “beautiful attitudes” we need to see them not as soft options but as the radical teachings as they are about God’s Kingdom coming on earth. Jane briefly looks at each of the beatitudes in turn as Jesus tells his Disciples that these are the qualities, the characteristics of true Kingdom people. These are the happy, the blessed (made happy by God) – now & in the future.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

10th February 2013  

 The reading is from Matthew 4:12-17 where Jesus begins his preaching ministry in the Galilee of the Gentiles to talk about repentance in the light of the fact that the Kingdom of God of near. Matthew is at pains to show that this was a new beginning. Jane highlights the gospel is one of transformation and change through the work and person of Jesus but how in today’s world do we begin to embody and demonstrate the Gospel -something we have to live out (a life of repentance) – not just a message to pass onto others.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website