Monday, 16 December 2013

15th December 2013

The third in our series of four in Advent talks this time looking at “M” for “Maranatha.” The reading is from 1 Corinthians 16:19-24. The talk looks at the Aramaic term and its meaning in context as “come our Lord.” Then looks at the purpose of the return(parousia) of Jesus to earth including themes of redemption, resurrection, judgement and deliverance.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website.

8th December 2013

The second talk in the series of four in Advent.  “Hear O Israel -The LORD our God is One”  Deuteronomy 6: 4 – 8. The fundamental unity of God – is axiomatic to all three monotheistic faiths. The Old Testament contains many indications of a “fullness” in Godhead which foreshadows the NT teachings of the Trinity. God the One person: the biblical evidence leads us to two fundamental statements concerning the person of the Lord Jesus Christ: he is truly human; he is truly God.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website.

1st December 2013

The Next four Sundays leading up to Christmas Day will look at : C.O.M.E.
Blow the trumpet and make it clear- so we are ready!
Dec 1st  Coming Christ – adventus. (Latin)
Dec 8th  One God – God the Son incarnate.
Dec 15th Maranatha – come Lord Jesus.(Aramaic)
Dec 22nd Evangel – Good News.(Greek)
The reading is from Revelation 22: 6 – 21 and this talk looks at waiting with expectation and hope, particularly as it relates to Christ’s Second Coming.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website .

24th November 2013

In Ephesians 3 main pictures are used to describe the togetherness/ the oneness Believers in Jesus have: the Church is like a Body with Jesus as the head; and like a Building with Jesus as the cornerstone; and like a Bride with Jesus as husband. Jane continues this short theme of togetherness taken from Ephesians 6: 10 – 18 This time looking at “ always carry the shield of faith.”
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

17th November 2013

 Journeying towards TOGETHERNESS.  Ephesians 6: 10-18.Shoes of readiness to share the gospel of peace while keeping in step with the Spirit and one another. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website.

10th November 2013

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website .

3rd November 2013

TOGETHERNESS: the belt of Truth.
In Ephesians 3 main pictures are used to describe the togetherness/ the oneness Believers in Jesus have: the Church is like a Body with Jesus as the head; and like a Building with Jesus as the cornerstone; and like a Bride with Jesus as husband.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

27th October 2013

Luke 24 13 – 35. Tells the story of the two who walked along the road. Part of the All age service at the church activity weekend theme of TOGETHERNESS.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Friday, 25 October 2013

20th October 2013

The reading is from Mark 9:33-37 and the talk by Jane is entitled "Moving Towards Togetherness" in anticipation of next weekend’s church weekend.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

13th October 2013

The talk this week by Jane is looking at Matthew 13;44-46 and Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom and possessions with two parables about discovery and desire. Due to technical problems the previous week talk was not recorded and the week before that was the Global Gourmet weekend and an all age service on 28th September.
Notes of the talk are normally available on the website.

Monday, 23 September 2013

22nd September 2013

The talk by Jane looks at the parable of the weeds in Mathew 13;24-30 and 36-43. Jesus teaches about living in the world and spiritual sowing and harvesting. How it can be hard to distinguish between good and evil but that judgment will come. It is God who will judge and therefore in the meantime patience and discernment is required.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

15th September 2013

Ken Donaldson the CEO of Crossroads Counselling Service is the speaker. He describes the story and ethos of this charity which VPBC have been instrumental in supporting over the years. CCS provides long term counselling to those on low incomes in Tower Hamlets. The bible passage looks at "blessed are the poor in spirit"
Due to microphone problems the first five minutes are low volume but it gets much better.

8th September 2013

This week “communicating Gospel: how do people understand and learn?” The talk thinks about the LISTENER as well as the speaker, The reading is from Matthew 13: 10-17,34,35 and looks at the answer Jesus gave to the disciples question of “Why do you use parables when you talk to the people? (v10).” The parables held the attention of the ordinary people but not just as entertainment but as a means to understanding the things of God and his Kingdom. They were a spur to people to seek to understand more of God.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

1st September 2013

The talk is entitled “Jesus and rest. Gospel and Sabbath “and looks at the passage Matthew 12:1-14 where building on his teaching of “ come to me ……and you I will give you rest “ ( Matt 11:28 GNB) acts as the context for the disputes with the Pharisees over the reasons and rules for the Sabbath in the first place. The talk explores some of the Christian as well as Jewish approaches to the Sabbath and the subsequent development of the Lords day celebrated on the first day of the week. The Sabbath rest described in Colossians 2:16,17 and Hebrews 4:4-11 reminds us that Sabbath rest is in the understanding that we live in the grace of God and in discovering what it means to live in the finished work of Jesus and in celebration of the resurrection. Yet which in this present age is still but shadows of the reality of what is yet to come.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

25th August 2013  

“Judgement Day and the Jesus rest.” The talk is from Matthew11:2-30 where Jesus contrasts the towns of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum unfavourably with Tyre,Sidon and Sodom. What were the three towns so seriously guilty of? What do we do about indifference and unbelief to the things Jesus said and did? We have so much still to learn. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website . 

Monday, 19 August 2013

18th August 2013

 To what can we compare this generation? Jesus asked a very important question “ what’s going on in this generation?” The reading is from Matthew 11:16-19 and the talk looks at asking us to consider what is the context and spiritual climate of our generation just as Jesus made an assessment and discernment of his. How do we listen to the world to understand our context and to the Spirit of God to become effective agents of challenge and change? Our faithfulness and the wisdom of our service as a generation will be judged by its children and the works it produces. The parable of the invisible Weevil in the book by Mary Okrut is a novel that looks at Ugandan post-colonial history and is a reminder, however, to both church and society of the power of unseen forces hollowing out what appears fine on the outside but inside is corrupt and consuming. 

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

11th August 2013

The reading is from Mathew 11:1-19 and looks at Jesus shedding more light and meaning on his ministry and the nature of the Kingdom of God in the light of John the Baptist's uncertainty. The talk asks us to consider whether we are on target and the signs and some of the consequences of the Kingdom and the implications. These include the fact that Jesus will be considered by some as a stone to trip people up and clues as how to pray for the Kingdom and finding strength in service.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website. Last week was the Holiday Club presentation whch was not recorded but a few photos of the club events can be found here.

Monday, 29 July 2013

28th July 2013

Continuing the theme of being sent out by Jesus we re-visit the passage in Matthew 10:16-39 looking at the honest expectations, implications and consequences of solidarity taught by Jesus for his followers in this world and the next. The talk also looks at why such hostility existed and still exists towards Jesus. That a Jesus shaped gospel is a cross shaped gospel. To take heed how we can both confess and deny Jesus in public.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

21st July 2013 

Sent out by Jesus. Jane spoke from Matthew 10:15-39 looking at the honesty of Jesus in telling us what to expect if we follow him. Where to expect difficulties and opposition and that we are sent out into a hostile environment. That fear can make us reluctant witnesses but we do not need to be afraid because God values us greatly and nothing happens that he does not permit and that (v34) he ( Jesus as the Great Shepherd )is with us.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 15 July 2013

14th July 2013

The reading is from Matthew 10:1-15 and the talk by Jane looks at the motivation for on-going outreach linked to the three fold ministry of Jesus around teaching, proclaiming and healing. Linked to this is seeing people as Jesus saw people and as a consequence a five folds response of see, care, pray, receive and go. The talk looks too at the questions of “do we have the same authority as the apostles to witness?” “why did Jesus say at this time only go the lost sheep of Israel ?”, we are warned to expect a mixed response, and we are not to use the gospel as a means of making money as freely we have received so we are not to hoard it but He seeks our willingness and commitment to give it to others.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

7th July 2013

7th July 2013

The reading is from Matthew 9:35-38 and the talk looks at motivation. Jesus sends out his disciples the same way he worked and the talk looks at the elements of the three fold ministry of Jesus described in the passage of teaching, proclaiming and healing. The motivation is compassion, pity, tenderness for the crowd as well as the individuals of their pain, loneliness, confusion and inadequate leadership. Jesus saw all people as valuable and gave a compassionate response to human need. The question is, though, whether we see people as Jesus sees them.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of website.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

30th June 2013

The reading is from Matthew 9; 18-26 and looks at the response of Jesus in the face of human desperation to reach out touch and look for healing and hope from the incident of the death of a child and someone at their wits end after 12 years of chronic illness. The reasons why they came to Jesus as an object of their faith may have been based more on superstition than faith, with mixed motives and that their theology about God’s nature may have been confused but that (as Jesus himself noted) the women had faith. The talk reminds us not to turn way from helping those that come however distorted their reasons. No one need be lost in a crowd with Jesus but is possible to jostle with Jesus in the crowd and be unchanged. Jesus has the power to touch and transform lives from whatever starting point people come as they reach out in faith.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

23rd June 2013

Jane spoke to Matthew 9:9-13 where Jesus in the parable of the doctor tells the Pharisees to go away and think again in their understanding of what God wants and his call to change. God does not want outward orthodoxy but kindness, mercy and love. A doctor will only come out to those who know they are broken and need fixing. The calling of Matthew illustrates the point.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

16th June 2013

Alec Alexander of E1 Community Church was the speaker this week looking at the incident where Jesus calms the storm in Matthew 8:23-27. Alec sketches in the place of the sea in the biblical narrative and imagination and how in the OT God shows his mastery over the elements in Exodus. In comparing the story of Jonah to Jesus Alec highlights the rightful authority Jesus has over the storm and yet the tenderness to come alongside and intervene with his peace. He is therefore someone in whom we can have both trust and faith.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

9th June 2013

Jane spoke to Matthew 8:1-4 looking at a trio of healings beginning with the man cleansed of leprosy. The talk teases out some of the meanings involved in atonement looking at the authority and power of Jesus not just to heal but also to cleanse and thereby institute inclusion.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 3 June 2013

2nd June 2013

The reading is from Matthew 7:v7-29 continuing to look at living with discernment and what Jesus taught about God’s nature verses human nature. We seek help from God to treat others as you want to be treated and the narrowness of the gate and the wideness of the road in falling short of that. To be wary of the way people seek power over others, to avoid being gullible and that trees are known by their fruits so we are to therefore judge people by the extent of their righteous acts.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 27 May 2013

26th May 2013  

The reading is from Matthew 7:1-6 and the talk looks at Jesus’s teaching on “living with discernment.” With the use of humour and colourful language Jesus shows that his understanding of human nature is realistic. That we are to avoid being judgmental but that does not mean that there are not appropriate times for challenge but also what attitudes we are wise to adopt in the light of those who despise the pearls of wisdom hidden in the Gospel.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

19th May 2013

 The reading is from Matthew 6:19-34 and particularly verses 33, 34 which talks about not being anxious but to be ambitious for the Kingdom. Jesus draws up a series of polar opposites calling for singleness of heart and mind such as treasures on earth versus treasures in heaven, inner darkness versus inner light, mammon versus God and preoccupation with the body versus the Kingdom priorities. The talk looks at some of the resources and strategies that can help us overcome the spirit of materialism and fear in our struggles with anxiety and the Kingdom of God.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the  website.

Monday, 13 May 2013

12th May 2013

 This week Jane looks at fasting as part of Jesus’s teaching on authentic worship . The reading is from Matthew 6:1, and v16-18 and looks at what Jesus said around true fasting that accompanies prayer.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

5th May 2013

The reading is from Matthew 6: 1; 5-15 and continuing on in the short series of looking at Jesus centred Gospel and when you worship do not show off. This week the focus is on prayer and the kingdom or Jesus prayer. This is not a blueprint that must be used when we pray but it is a prayer that can be used as a model and adapted or as a frame work with a Jesus world view built into it. Jesus was not telling them everything about prayer but he was giving his disciples a frame work, a world view that enables us to pray correctly – not like the pagans or the hypocrites.

 Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.