Sunday, 21 October 2012

21st October 2012.

Jane spoke to 1 Timothy 3:8-13 looking at prayer and the spirituality of leadership. The talk examines in detail the roles and responsibilities of a church leader in Victoria Park Baptist and how leadership works in principle on a Congregationalist model of church like the Baptists. It looks at the purpose, role and the specific duties of each leader and the current range of work stream responsibilities working as part of a team. Ahead of the nominations to the leadership team elections in November the talk also looks at the qualities to look for in assessing if people are ready for the role and that they show they are developing and growing as Christians.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

14th October 2012.

Jane continues the series on prayer and spirituality using the motif of “thirsty companions “ and referring to the story found in Luke 24:13 to 35 with Cleopas and his unnamed fellow traveller( possibly his wife) encountering and eating with Jesus unawares. Aside from highlighting the Haiti water project linked to the Harvest Appeal “Thirsty” from BMS the talk touches on those who have accompanied us on the road that have revealed to us things about Jesus. In this communion service the lives of Harry ( whose funeral was on Wednesday) and Marlene Twine were remembered as an example encouragement of committed service lasting decades. A long, effective journeying on with Jesus that resulted in significant and shared ministries both inside the church and out of it.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website

Monday, 8 October 2012

7th October 2012.

Using 2 Timothy 2:20-26 and Romans 9:19-26 Jane explores the imagery of being vessels for God. What the potentials are and the barriers to being made available and usable in God’s purposes. The talk looks at some of the challenges that poses for us as we explore being progressively transformed as we are increasingly filled with God.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 1 October 2012

30th September 2012.

Jane spoke to Luke 9:57-62 about a call to be a pilgrim people or sojourners and drew from the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles (SUKKA) where the people built booths as a reminder of the time in the wilderness and their dependence on God and his provision. This reminds us that we are not to get too settled or comfortable and that our relationship with the world needs to be balanced against our relationship with God. So although Jeremiah encourages the exiles to build houses and settle( Jer 29:5-7) our mind-set is to build as a task within a task and that our homes are just places we move out from, that God may have to push us out into the world. Jane also makes the point that God does not live in a house made by human hands and where Jesus tabernacled for a while with us (John 1:14) and that our human bodies are only temporary tents ( 2 Cor 5:1,4)and then highlighted some of the implications of the kind of relationship with God this reality brings about.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.