Monday, 24 September 2012

23rd September 2012.

Jane spoke to the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42 and with reference to Acts 4:13 around linking hospitality to listening and deepening Christian spirituality. Being hospitable is not simply the practical elements of serving but in choosing to stop and listen. That the anxiety of service and constant working can be a form of enslavement, avoidance and escape which means we miss out and do not take the freedom that is offered to us. Companionship and service is listening and spending time with Jesus. Although each of us may be different as to how much of our day we can control each of us can find strategies to create the space even in what we are doing to be close enough to be transformed and touched by spending deliberate time in the presence of Christ.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

16th September 2012.

Jane spoke to Matthew 13 45-46 concerning the discovery of the pearl of great price and Matthew 6:24 -34 about where true wealth lies not just in knowing about God but in experiencing God. That Dr Luke’s fondness for the Greek nautical term of discovery is a reminder of adventure inherent in God’s kingdom that we taste and see, seek and find, as pilgrims we look for a country and city found of a different citizenship while being good citizens of the present and discovering God and his world. That God has put a lifelong spirit of discovery and enquiry into each person and encourages us to keep on discovering and growing in expanding horizons as we grow in our relationship with Jesus.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 10 September 2012

9th September 2012.

Last day of the Paralympics today and London 2012. Jane continues on the series in prayer and spirituality looking at the knowledge of the presence of God via the story of the road to Emmaus and the encounter by two of Jesus disciples in Luke 24:13-35. In this incident the disciples fail to recognise who Jesus is and this is true for us as we do not always recognise the presence of God in the everyday. Using the example of Brother Lawrence Jane looks at the cornerstone of the implications of the incarnation of Jesus , God’s presence that does not leave us for a second. In looking at the example of Elijah God’s presence is discovered through voice and word. While stressing as well that just as God was not in the wind, earthquake and fire so too that creation is in God as creator not a pantheism that simply sees God in creation. Although we have many experiences of God it is “ in these last days God has spoken to us through his Son “( Hebrews 1:2) and founded on Jesus promise that “ I am with you always “ is taking time to stop and listen as Jesus reveals himself and speaks to us by name.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.

Monday, 3 September 2012

2nd September 2012.

“There is a river that brings joy to the City of God.” Using Psalm 46 Jane looks at the significance of historical examples, metaphors and symbols of rivers in the Bible. The Psalm itself contrasts the destructive waters of v1-2, with the river of Gods city as the presence of God running through God’s people. Drawing from the writings of Isaiah, Ezekiel and John these point to the new Jerusalem of Revelation 22 flowing from the throne of God and bordered with the tree of life. Yet this is not simply a hope after death but is to be experienced now, an invitation  to drink of the living water extended to us and made possible through Jesus Christ.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the website.