Sunday, 29 April 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
April 22nd 2012.
Sunday, 15 April 2012
15th April 2012
Moving to the S for “Street “ as part of the Hospitality mini-series of sermons. The reading is from Luke 14:12 to 24, which includes the parable of the “Great Banquet.” Using the encounter with being at dinner with the Pharisee the talk looks at the motives for offering hospitality. Then linking this to the expectations of who they thought would be there at God’s feast and Jesus challenging those assumptions and behaviours. Jane then gives 5 practical tips for inviting those outside the circle of “people like us. “
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website
Sunday, 8 April 2012
8th April 2012
8th April
The Easter Sunday service today is led by Jane. Continuing in using the word “hospitality” as an acronym we get to the letter “O” for the “Open Tomb.” The reading is from John 20:1-18. In exercising hospitality as a gospel value we are reminded of Hebrews 13:2. God reached out to strangers in welcoming us to “ come and eat “ reflected in our sharing today of the communion meal. The open tomb itself is an open invitation to come and see and tell.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website
Sunday, 1 April 2012
1st April 2012
1st April
A Palm Sunday service this morning, with Jane as the speaker, that looked at the area of hospitality. There is a third memory verse from Hebrews 13:2. The talk reflects on with whom and how Jesus spent his last few weeks before his arrest and looking at some of the homes and people he spent time with. To think about who comes to your home and asking discussion questions about why do you think they like coming what do you feel about when they go? That showing hospitality is a gospel virtue ( 1 Peter 4:9) , and that there are many different models and means of comprising households and home. Yet they all can be a great space to meet an essential need to know the love of God. We were reminded that Jesus began the longest journey of his life from a home.
Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website