Sunday, 29 November 2009

29th November 2009

Rebecca Suknenko looked at how God qualifies us into being called to the world as a light to the Gentiles ( i.e. us). This was through the acronym of CBT. C ( Chosen, Called, Cherished), B (Beautiful, Broken, Blessed) and T ( Transformed, Tested (En) Trusted).

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website

Sunday, 22 November 2009

22nd November 2009

Associate Pastor Georgina Stride looked at the background and implications of the parable of Jesus in Matthew 13:31-32 of the mustard seed and the kingdom of God. Then high lighted what the signs are of being a “ Mustard “ type person.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website

15th November 2009

Jane spoke to Paul’s encounter with the citizens of Athen’s in Act 17:16-34 and highlighting the challenges and opportunities presented by pluralism in society. The world outside of our front door has changed and is changing but by using Paul’s example it shows the importance of dialogue, reasoned argument and encounter which give us clues to our missionary task.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website

Sunday, 8 November 2009

8th November 2009

The second in our series on “Called to the world” as part of the season looking at the foot steps of Jesus. The talk examines the battle for hearts and minds of people. The senior Pastor Jane Thorington-Hassell begins by looking at John 20:19-23 and the fact that Jesus sends us out into harms way like sheep amongst wolves. In the face of different teachings and ideologies battling for allegiance the talk looks at 2 Cor 10:1-5 to compare and contrast the tactics the world uses to that expected of Christians linked to truth, prayer, faith and the Holy Spirit using gentleness and kindness.

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

1st November 2009

Georgina began the series of talks this month in looking at being “called to the world” starting with John 3 :16 ( called to love the world) via John 15 ( not to be of the world) and ending up with Matthew 5 ( having an impact/engaging with the world).

Notes will usually be available on the downloads section of the VPBC website