Sunday, 17 February 2008

Sermons for 10th & 17th February 2008

10th February: Reflections on Valentine's Day - Jane, our pastor, spoke on Matthew 19 vs 1-12.

17th February: Love and the struggle to obey" - Jane spoke on Hebrews 5 vs 1-10.

As usual there are written notes in the Downloads section of the VPBC website, including notes from Geoff's Feb 10th evening sermon which was based on John 14 vs 15-31 "Love & Obedience" which we don't have an audio version for.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Sermon for 3rd February 2008

3rd February: Georgina Stride, our student pastor read from 1 Corinthians 13, and Rev Pat Took, regional pastor for the London Baptist Association, reflected on this passage as part of our 2008 theme "Love and the people of God".

No notes will be available for this.