Monday, 26 November 2007

Morning sermon 25th November

Not much time to waffle on this week...

November 25th: In this morning's talk Jane took one of Jesus' parables Matthew 25 vs. 1-13 to talk about staying alight spiritually in a dark world. She talked about building up spiritual reserves of oil so we can keep the lights working till Jesus returns.

Notes will soon be available in the Downloads section of the VPBC site.

Have a great week!

Friday, 23 November 2007

Sermons for November 11th and 18th

We are doing well this month with our recording and also with our posting - you may notice that the latest sermon is out in less than a week! (Might have been even earlier only the archive was doing some maintenance work so I couldn't upload) However I'm not sure that this burst of speed will be sustainable....

Here we have the evening sermon for Nov 11th and the morning one for Nov 18th:

November 11th pm: Geoff continued with the Georgina's theme of "To worship is to change" again looking at 2 Corinthians 3v1-18.

November 18th am: Jane spoke about "Filling place and space with declarations of salvation".

As usual the notes can be found on the VPBC site. However we are still waiting for the notes for the 18th....

Hasta luego!

Monday, 12 November 2007

Sermons for October 21st and November 11th

Happy November Everyone!

As you can see we have 2 sermons this time. Some time apart and nothing in between - this is because October 28th was the Church Holiday and November 4th did not get recorded due to techinical hitches.

October 21st: Jane spoke about what Jesus modelled in Prayer Ministry. The Disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. He did this by showing them and then sending them. He demonstrated practical tips and also showed an attitude of heart. He had a theology of praying for others and we need one too.

November 11th: Georgina spoke about "Worship means Change" based on 2 Corinthians 3 v 18. The recording didn't quite catch the very beginning but I think we got the vast majority of it.

The notes for Oct 21st are already in the Downloads section of the VPBC website but we are atill awaiting the Nov 11th ones - please keep checking the site.

Next post hopefully in 2 weeks time. Until then...