Sunday, 21 October 2007

Morning sermon for 14th October 2007

Yes, another sermon has made it onto the blog!

Only one because unfortunately Jane's sermon from 7th October was recorded over....
However on the upside we are going to put together a sheet of recording instructions for the guys who run the sound desk so hopefully this will be a bit of wrinkle ironing...

October 14th: Georgina, our student pastor, talked about worship and evangelism.

The notes for this one aren't yet available from the VPBC website - hopefully they'll come later in the week so please do keep checking. We do have notes from Jane's evening sermon though.

We are off to the church weekend away next weekend so I reckon the next post will be in 2 or 3 weeks time. Not sure if we're recording the weekend away teaching - if we do I might manage to put that up in the meantime.

Have a great week!

Monday, 15 October 2007

Morning sermon for 23rd September 2007

Well I said 2 weeks or so and here we are again... could this be a sign of some momentum?

Sadly I had hoped to post 2 sermons - 23rd & 30th September but only one was recorded - sorry.

September 23rd: Jane Thorington-Hassell spoke from Mark 14; 1- 26. Jesus' alternative "people of God" are at risk of disintegration. Jesus pulls them together in a meal held in secret safe house?

There is a chance I will be able to post 2 next week but don't hold your breath, maybe pray for the wrinkles to be ironed out instead.

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Morning sermons for 9th and 16th September

Well we have finally managed to get going again, although this may yet be just another stutter in the battle....

Technical hitches remain - recording problems and softwares glitches - and the time and effort problem also remains, however we continue to try to find solutions..

The questionnaire results showed that so far 4 people get the podcasts.  This was about 10% of those who responded.

So here are 2 September sermons.  I will try to post some from July and August once I have waded through several unmarked tapes...

September 9th: Geoff speaks on Racial Justice Sunday with reference to Acts chapter 6.  He argues that racial justice is an integral part of Christian life and witness and asks why it's so hard to really talk about these things.

September 16th:Jane speaks on Mark 12: 41 - 13: 3.  Jesus exits the Temple for the last time with sadness and also the promise of judgement.  Understanding this story in a slightly different way from how you may have been taught.

Notes of the sermon can as ever be found in the Download section of the VPBC website.

Next post hopefully will be in 2 weeks time or so...