Monday, 24 December 2007

Happy Christmas

Unfortunately we have no recordings with which to celebrate but don't let that take the shine off the season.

Wishing you all a great Christmas and an excellent 2008 full of love, joy and peace!

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Sermons for 2nd and 9th December 2007

Two December sermons:

2nd December: Jane spoke about Worship in Space & Place - joining in with the hosts of heaven?

9th December: Jane spoke about Jesus and our place in history, based on Matthew 1: 1-17.

As usual there are notes available inthe Downloads section of the VPBC website.

Probably no recording on the 16th as it will be a different kind of service with a Christmas drama for all the family. Everyone is welcome! There will also be Carols by Candlelight service on the 23rd. Check out the VPBC website for times and details of services over the Christmas and New Year period.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Morning sermon 25th November

Not much time to waffle on this week...

November 25th: In this morning's talk Jane took one of Jesus' parables Matthew 25 vs. 1-13 to talk about staying alight spiritually in a dark world. She talked about building up spiritual reserves of oil so we can keep the lights working till Jesus returns.

Notes will soon be available in the Downloads section of the VPBC site.

Have a great week!

Friday, 23 November 2007

Sermons for November 11th and 18th

We are doing well this month with our recording and also with our posting - you may notice that the latest sermon is out in less than a week! (Might have been even earlier only the archive was doing some maintenance work so I couldn't upload) However I'm not sure that this burst of speed will be sustainable....

Here we have the evening sermon for Nov 11th and the morning one for Nov 18th:

November 11th pm: Geoff continued with the Georgina's theme of "To worship is to change" again looking at 2 Corinthians 3v1-18.

November 18th am: Jane spoke about "Filling place and space with declarations of salvation".

As usual the notes can be found on the VPBC site. However we are still waiting for the notes for the 18th....

Hasta luego!

Monday, 12 November 2007

Sermons for October 21st and November 11th

Happy November Everyone!

As you can see we have 2 sermons this time. Some time apart and nothing in between - this is because October 28th was the Church Holiday and November 4th did not get recorded due to techinical hitches.

October 21st: Jane spoke about what Jesus modelled in Prayer Ministry. The Disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. He did this by showing them and then sending them. He demonstrated practical tips and also showed an attitude of heart. He had a theology of praying for others and we need one too.

November 11th: Georgina spoke about "Worship means Change" based on 2 Corinthians 3 v 18. The recording didn't quite catch the very beginning but I think we got the vast majority of it.

The notes for Oct 21st are already in the Downloads section of the VPBC website but we are atill awaiting the Nov 11th ones - please keep checking the site.

Next post hopefully in 2 weeks time. Until then...

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Morning sermon for 14th October 2007

Yes, another sermon has made it onto the blog!

Only one because unfortunately Jane's sermon from 7th October was recorded over....
However on the upside we are going to put together a sheet of recording instructions for the guys who run the sound desk so hopefully this will be a bit of wrinkle ironing...

October 14th: Georgina, our student pastor, talked about worship and evangelism.

The notes for this one aren't yet available from the VPBC website - hopefully they'll come later in the week so please do keep checking. We do have notes from Jane's evening sermon though.

We are off to the church weekend away next weekend so I reckon the next post will be in 2 or 3 weeks time. Not sure if we're recording the weekend away teaching - if we do I might manage to put that up in the meantime.

Have a great week!

Monday, 15 October 2007

Morning sermon for 23rd September 2007

Well I said 2 weeks or so and here we are again... could this be a sign of some momentum?

Sadly I had hoped to post 2 sermons - 23rd & 30th September but only one was recorded - sorry.

September 23rd: Jane Thorington-Hassell spoke from Mark 14; 1- 26. Jesus' alternative "people of God" are at risk of disintegration. Jesus pulls them together in a meal held in secret safe house?

There is a chance I will be able to post 2 next week but don't hold your breath, maybe pray for the wrinkles to be ironed out instead.

Thursday, 4 October 2007

Morning sermons for 9th and 16th September

Well we have finally managed to get going again, although this may yet be just another stutter in the battle....

Technical hitches remain - recording problems and softwares glitches - and the time and effort problem also remains, however we continue to try to find solutions..

The questionnaire results showed that so far 4 people get the podcasts.  This was about 10% of those who responded.

So here are 2 September sermons.  I will try to post some from July and August once I have waded through several unmarked tapes...

September 9th: Geoff speaks on Racial Justice Sunday with reference to Acts chapter 6.  He argues that racial justice is an integral part of Christian life and witness and asks why it's so hard to really talk about these things.

September 16th:Jane speaks on Mark 12: 41 - 13: 3.  Jesus exits the Temple for the last time with sadness and also the promise of judgement.  Understanding this story in a slightly different way from how you may have been taught.

Notes of the sermon can as ever be found in the Download section of the VPBC website.

Next post hopefully will be in 2 weeks time or so...

Sunday, 12 August 2007

Old Sermons

Well the blog / podcast idea is struggling to be sustainable - several things need streamlining at church which may take a while as this is not a huge priority for our limited resources.

We also need to decide whether it is worth the effort in terms of the number of people who use the blog / podcast as a resource. To this end we have been asking church people to fill a questionnaire about their use of the church website/resources. This of course will not inform us who else might be using our stuff so do add your comments to the blog if you want to register interest.

I am hoping that we will be able to have another push at doing this after the summer but until then I have 3 sermons from May/June that never got published:

May 27th: a Pentecost message from Jane - "The Holy Spirit clashes with the spirit of this age".

June 3rd: message from Jane - based on Mark 1 : 29-45 "Jesus in the public and private arena: learning from him".

June 10th: message by Geoff - based on Mark 2 : 1-12 "The authority of Christ"

Until the next time...

Friday, 1 June 2007

Morning sermons for 15th April & 20th May 2007

Well some of the technical hitches seem to be getting ironed out so we can bring 2 sermons:

The sermon for April 15th looks at Abraham - his walk with God and life of faith.
Click here for this.

The sermon for May 20th looks at Kingdom Values in our Space & Places.
Click here for this.

As usual the Notes can be found in the Downloads section of the VPBC website.

We hope to be adding more 'blog' to the these posts in the near future....

Monday, 7 May 2007

What's happening to the VPBC Sermons blog?

Hi all
As you will have noticed the frequency of posting has decreased over the last month or so. Many apologies for this but unfortunately there have been a few technical hitches both in the recording of the sermons and in the uploading of the mp3 files.

I do have April 15th's sermon ready to go but am having alot of trouble getting it onto the web. After this sermon there is a gap of 2 weeks as the sermons were not recorded. Yesterday's sermon was recorded so we should be back on track next week...

In the meantime I have had a few thoughts (!) Jane spoke on Faith on 29th April and mentioned a debate about religion and a magazine so I thought people may like to have the links:

Click here for the write up of the debate by the Times newspaper and various comments.

Click here for a description of Third Way Magazine which also has a link to their site at the bottom.

I also came across a blog which I liked alot so thought it might be nice to pass on. I will try to have a permanent link but for now it is just in this posting:

Click here for the Carpenter's Hand blog.

We welcome any comments about these or the blog in general.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Morning Sermons for 1st & 8th April 2007

Hi folks,
Sorry for the delay - been pretty busy here since being back.

So here are the morning sermons from 1st April which was given by a member of Crossroads Christian Counselling Service, which is based on the Roman Road, Bow, London - I'm afraid I didn't get her name - and the one from Easter Sunday given by Jane.

The Notes can be found in the Downloads section of the VPBC website.

Click here for the audio for 1st April and here for 8th April

I didn't get the tape for 15th April today so I'm afraid that will have to wait until next week.

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Morning sermon for 18th March 2007

Georgina's first sermon at VPBC - crossing rivers - she is our new student pastor.

The Notes can be found in the Downloads section of the VPBC website.

The Audio is here

Pete is away next week so today's sermon won't be posted until he gets back.

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Morning Sermons for 4th and 11th March

Apologies for a missed post - sickness had taken hold..., so today's is a two for one thing.

Jane, our pastor, speaks on our theme of Space and Place.

The Notes for both sermons can be found in the Downloads section of the VPBC website.

The Audio for 4th March is here

The Audio for 11th March is here


Sunday, 4 March 2007

Morning Sermon for 25th February 2007

Unfortunately the talk was not recorded last week.

It was a different kind of service based around the theme of Bread in which we were able to participate in "liquid worship":

There were several rooms/spaces were different forms of worship were presented/available eg. discussion, writing, prayer, reflection, bread making

There was an introductory talk by Jane done on powerpoint. You can get the notes of the slides from the VPBC website here

More audio next week.

Sunday, 25 February 2007

Morning Sermon for 18th February 2007

Stephen, our student pastor, speaks from Ruth 1 vs 1-22

The Notes can be found at VPBC

The Audio can be found here

Sorry - not much time to write reams at present

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Morning Sermon for 11th Feb 2007

Back to normal again with audio of the morning sermon

Jane speaks from Jeremiah 29 v20 and Matthew 13 vs 31-32

The Notes can be found at VPBC

The Audio can be found here

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Evening Sermon for 4th February 2007

Well the good news is that the recording system is working again, but unfortunately it was fixed too late to get the morning service on the 4th. However I thought I would bring you the evening one....

Jane, our pastor, spoke from 1 Peter 2 v 4

The Audio can be found here

More info about Victoria Park Baptist Church can be found here

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Morning Sermon for 28th January 2007

Before the talk we had a short sketch with 3 characters - Ed, Jenny, & John - based on our 2007 theme of Space & Place. There will other episodes of the sketch in our future Sunday gatherings.

Jane, our pastor, spoke from John 1:43-51 about Nathanael's scepticism and asked several questions about our attitudes to the places we live.

Unfortunately the tape for 28th January was blank on both sides so we don't have any audio this week. I have asked for the set up to be checked so hopefully this won't happen again.

The Sermon Notes can be found at VPBC
Not sure how many subscribers we have - the stats say an average of 1 per day but I'm not sure if this means new people or includes people who have already subscribed...

Sunday, 28 January 2007

VPBC Morning Sermon 21st Jan 2007

Jane, our pastor, speaks further on the theme 'Space and Place'.

Luke 4: 14-30 is the basis of the sermon which intorduces at Jesus' manifesto for change and the reaction of people in his home town.

Sermon Notes can be found at VPBC

The Audio can be found here

Last week's podcast seemed to work better, and various people are accessing it.
Perhaps it would be worth publishing the evening sermons too so that people can get both. This would take more time and webspace though... let me know any thoughts please.

Sunday, 21 January 2007

Morning sermon from 14th Jan 2007

Stephen Sempala, our student pastor from Uganda, spoke from the book of Habakkuk 1v12 - 2v4.

The talk was entitled Wait for God's appointed time and looked at how God spoke to Habakkuk telling him to:

  1. write down what he was told
  2. make it plain
  3. wait
Sermon Notes can be found at VPBC

The Audio can be found here

The audio podcast of the talk did not seem to work too well last week although the first one seemed to be fine - not quite sure why but hopefully this week's will work ok.  
We seem to have 2 subscribers - probably me and Jane...

Sunday, 14 January 2007

2007-01-07 am: Space and Place

 It seems that we are going ahead with podcasting for now.  Various issues to look at such as the quality of the original recording and the amount of time it takes to put it all up, but we are here....

We will be publishing just the morning talks at the moment, and these are of course at least a week late....

The talk is about introducing the New Year, a new teaching theme, and taking Matthew Chapter 2 as its text.  
How will we live for God in the places we live and work?

The sermon notes can be found at VPBC

Sunday, 7 January 2007


To blog or not to blog, or rather to podcast or not?
Can I get podcasting to work?  
Will people want to listen to sermons from Victoria Park Baptist Church, London, UK?
We shall soon see.....

(For those of you who aren't familiar with podcasting click on the title - Introducing - to get to the audio file)